NAA Book collections held by the Robinson Library

Robinson Library

Leo S. Olschki (Firm) / Riche et précieuse collection d’incunables / 1896.
Venise : Olschki, 1896.
Research Reference Level 1 093 OLS

Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress, London, 1933. / British bridges : 1933.
London : Published by the Organising Committee of the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress, 19
Books Level 4 624.0942 PUB

Russell, Peter. / Competitive design of steel structures / 1933.
London : Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1933.
Books Level 4 624.182 RUS

Hussey, Christopher, / The picturesque; [1927]
London & New York, G. P. Putnam’s sons [1927]
Books Level 4 701 HUS

Summerson, John Newenham, / Architecture in Britain, 1530 to 1830 / [1953].
London ; Baltimore : Penguin Books, [1953].
Books Level 4 709 PEL(Sum)

Brown, G. Baldwin / The arts in early England / 1903-37.
London : J. Murray, 1903-37.
Books Level 4 709.4201 BRO

Brown, G. Baldwin / The arts in early England / 1903-37.
London : J. Murray, 1903-37.
Books Level 4 709.4201 BRO

Brown, G. Baldwin / The arts in early England / 1903-37.
London : J. Murray, 1903-37.
Books Level 4 709.4201 BRO

Brown, G. Baldwin / The arts in early England / 1903-37.
London : J. Murray, 1903-37.
Books Level 4 709.4201 BRO

Brown, G. Baldwin / The arts in early England / 1903-37.
London : J. Murray, 1903-37.
Books Level 4 709.4201 BRO

Williams-Ellis, Clough, / Britain and the beast / [1937]
London, J. M. Dent and sons, ltd. [1937]
Books Level 4 710 WIL

Sharp, Thomas, / Town and countryside : 1932.
London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1932.
Books Level 4 710.1 SHA

Clarke, John Joseph, / Outlines of local government of the United Kingdom (and the Irish Free State) / 10th ed. / 1933.
London : Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1933.
Books Level 4 711.1 CLA

Logie, Gordon. / The urban scene/ [1954]
London, Faber and Faber [1954]
Books Level 4 711.4 LOG

Adams, Thomas, / The design of residential areas : 1934.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1934.
Books Level 4 711.582 ADA

Jones, Barbara Mildred, / Follies & grottoes / 1953.
London : Constable, 1953.
Books Level 4 717.68 JON

Allsopp, Bruce. / Art and the nature of architecture / [1952]
London, Pitman [1952]
Books Level 4 720.1 ALL

Braddell, Darcy, / How to look at buildings / 4th ed. / 1949.
London : Methuen, 1949.
Books Level 4 720.1 BRA

Le Corbusier, / The modulor; 1st ed.] / [1954]
London, Faber and Faber [1954]
Books Level 4 720.1 LEC

Hamlin, Talbot, / Architecture, 1947.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1947.
Books Level 4 720.2 HAM

Ruskin, John, / The seven lamps of architecture / 5th ed. / 1886.
Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent : George Allen, 1886.
Books Level 4 720.2 RUS

Summerson, John Newenham, / Heavenly mansions : 1949.
London : Cresset Press, 1949.
Books Level 4 720.4 SUM

Allsopp, Bruce. / A general history of architecture : [1955]
New York : Pitman Pub. Corp., [1955]
Books Level 4 720.9 AL

Fergusson, James, / The illustrated handbook of architecture : 1855.
London : J. Murray, 1855.
Books Level 4 720.9 FER

Fergusson, James, / A history of architecture in all countries : 3rd ed. / / 1893-1902.
London : J. Murray, 1893-1902.
Books Level 4 720.9 FER

Spiers, Richard Phené, / Architecture east and west : 1905.
London : For the committee of the Spiers testimonial by B.T. Batsford, 1905.
Books Level 4 720.9 SPI

Hitchcock, Henry Russell, / In the nature of materials : 1942.
New York, : Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1942.
Books Level 4 720.92 WRI(Hit)

Dobson, Margaret Jane. / Memoir of John Dobson of Newcastle-on-Tyne : 1885.
London : Hamilton, Adams, 1885.
Books Level 4 720.924 DOB(Dob)

Pevsner, Nikolaus, / London : [1952].
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, : Penguin Books, [1952].
Books Level 4 720.941 BUI(Lon)

Scott-Moncrieff, George, / Edinburgh / 2d ed. / 1948.
London : B. T. Batsford, 1948.
Books Level 4 720.941445 SCO

Adam, Robert, / The works in architecture of Robert & James Adam …/ 1931.
London : J. Tiranti & Co., 1931.
FolioOversize Level 4 720.942 ADA

Adam, Robert, / The works in architecture of Robert & James Adam …/ 1931.
London : J. Tiranti & Co., 1931.
FolioOversize Level 4 720.942 ADA

Adam, Robert, / The works in architecture of Robert & James Adam …/ 1931.
London : J. Tiranti & Co., 1931.
FolioOversize Level 4 720.942 ADA

De Maré, Eric Samuel, / The bridges of Britain / 1954.
London : Batsford, 1954.
Books Level 4 720.942 DEM

Salzman, L. F. / Building in England, down to 1540; 1952.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952.
Books Level 4 720.942 SAL

Turnor, Reginald. / Nineteenth century architecture in Britain 1950.
London ; New York : Batsford, 1950.
Books Level 4 720.94208 TUR

Steegman, John, / Cambridge, as it was and as it is to-day / [4th ed., rev.] / [1949].
London, New York, : Batsford, [1949].
Books Level 4 720.94259 STE

Bertram, Robert J. S. / Old Newcastle : [19–?]
Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Mawson, Swan & Morgan, [19–?]
Oversize Level 4 720.94282 BER

Smith, G. E. Kidder / Sweden builds ; its modern architecture and land policy : [1st. ed.] / [1950]
London : Architectural Press ; New York : A. Bonnier [1950]
Books Level 4 720.9485 SMI

Stuart, James, / The antiquities of Athens : 2nd. ed. / 1913.
London : Bell, 1913.
Books Level 4 722.8 STU

Hamilton, John Arnott. / Byzantine architecture and decoration / 1933.
London : B. T. Batsford, 1933.
Books Level 4 723.2 HAM

Clapham, Alfred William, / English romanesque architecture after the conquest, 1934.
Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1934.
Books Level 4 723.42 CLA

Bond, Francis, / Gothic architecture in England : 1905.
London : B. T. Batsford, 1905.
Books Level 4 723.5 BON

Clark, Kenneth, / The Gothic revival : Rev. and enl. [i.e. 2d] ed. / [1950].
London : Constable, [1950].
Books Level 4 724.3 CLA

Edwards, A. Trystan / The architecture of shops / 1933.
London : Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1933.
Books Level 4 725.213 EDW

Dan, Horace. / English shop-fronts, old and new ; 1907.
London, B. T. Batsford, 1907.
Books Level 4 725.2135 DAN

Crossley, Frederick Herbert, / The English Abbey : 3d. ed. / 1949.
London : New York : B. T. Batsford, 1949.
Books Level 4 726.7 CRO

Batsford, Harry. / The English cottage, / 3d ed., rev. / [1950].
London, New York, : Batsford, [1950].
Books Level 4 728.6 BAT

Harvey, William Alexander. / The model village and its cottages : 1906.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1906.
Books Level 4 728.6 HAR

Boyne, Colin. / Architects’ working details / [1953-
London : Architectural Press, [1953-
Books Level 4 729.3 ARC

Newcastle Regional Hospital Board. / The use of colour in hospitals : 1955.
[Newcastle-upon-Tyne : R. Ward & Sons], 1955.
Books Level 4 729.4 NEW

Esdaile, Katharine Ada, / English church monuments, 1510 to 1840 / 1946.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1946.
Books Level 4 731.76 ESD

Salwey, Jasper Philip. / The art and practice of sketching : 1930.
London : Batsford, 1930.
Books Level 4 741 SAL

Hoffmann, Herbert. / Modern interiors in Europe and America / [c1930]
London : Studio Limited, [c1930]
Books Level 4 747 HOF

Arnold, Hugh. / Stained glass of the middle ages in England & France / 1913.
London : A. & C. Black, 1913.
Books Level 4 748.5 ARN

Meer, Frederik van der, / Atlas of Western civilization / 1954.
Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier Pub. Co. 1954.
Oversize Level 4 909 MEE

Gardner, Ernest Arthur, / A handbook of Greek sculpture / [2d ed.] / 1929.
London : Macmillan, 1929.
Shefton Level 4 913.38:73 GAR

Groth-Kimball, Irmgard. / The art of ancient Mexico / 1954.
London ; New York : Thames and Hudson, 1954.
Books Level 1 913.72 FEU

Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). / An inventory of the historical monuments in Westmoreland. 1936.
London : H.M.S.O., 1936.
Oversize Level 4 942 ROY

Jervoise, Edwyn, / The ancient bridges of the north of England / 1931.
[London] : The Architectural Press, 1931.
Books Level 4 942.7 JER

Burckhardt, Jacob, / The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy; 3d ed., rev.] / [1950]
New York, Phaidon Publishers; distributed by Oxford University Press [1950]
Books Level 4 945.05 BUR

Special Collections

Elmes, James, / Lectures on architecture : comprising the history of the art from the earliest times to the present day … / by James Elmes. 1821.
London : C. and J. Ollier, 1821.
1801-1850 Coll. 720.9 ELM

Pugin, Augustus, / Examples of Gothic architecture : 1838-40.
London : Bohn, 1838-40.
1801-1850 Coll. 723.52 PUG

Wild, Charles, / Illustrations of the architecture and sculpture of the cathedral church of Worcester / 1823.
London : the author; Knibb & Langbridge, 1823.
1801-1850 Coll. 726.6 WIL

Normand, Charles Pierre Joseph, / A new parallel of the orders of architecture : 1829.
London : A. Pugin, 1829.
1801-1850 Coll. 729.32 NOR

Kent, Nathaniel, / Hints to gentlemen of landed property / 2nd. ed. / 1776.
London : Printed for J. Dodsley, 1776.
18th C. Coll. 630.2 KEN

Halfpenny, Joseph, / Gothic ornaments in the Cathedral Church of York / 1795[-1800].
[York, England : Geo. Peacock, printer], 1795[-1800].
18th C. Coll. 726.6 HAL

Paine, James, / Plans, elevations and sections, of noblemen and gentlemen’s houses : 1767-83.
London : The author, 1767-83.
18th C. Coll. 728 PAI

Palladio, Andrea, / The architecture of A. Palladio : The 3rd ed. cor. : / 1742.
London : A. Ward [etc.], 1742.
18th C. Coll. 729 PAL

Palladio, Andrea, / The architecture of A. Palladio : The 3rd ed. cor. : / 1742.
London : A. Ward [etc.], 1742.
18th C. Coll. 729 PAL

Kirby, John Joshua, / The perspective of architecture : [1761]
[London] : the Author, [1761]
18th C. Coll. 742 KIR

Stuart, James, / The antiquities of Athens / 1762-1830.
London : J. Haberkorn, 1762-1830.
18th C. Coll. 913.385 STU

Stuart, James, / The antiquities of Athens / 1762-1830.
London : J. Haberkorn, 1762-1830.
18th C. Coll. 913.385 STU

Stuart, James, / The antiquities of Athens / 1762-1830.
London : J. Haberkorn, 1762-1830.
18th C. Coll. 913.385 STU

Stuart, James, / The antiquities of Athens / 1762-1830.
London : J. Haberkorn, 1762-1830.
18th C. Coll. 913.385 STU

Winkles, Benjamin. / Winkles’s Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales / 1836-42.
London : E. Wilson, 1836-42.
19th C. Coll. 726.60942 WIN

Brandon, Raphael, / The open timber roofs of the middle ages : 1849.
London : D. Bogue [etc.], 1849.
19th C. Coll. 721.51 BRA

Britton, John, / The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Exeter : 1826.
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green [etc.], 1826.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 BRI

Woolnoth, W. / A graphical illustration of the metropolitan cathedral church of Canterbury : 1816.
London : T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1816.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 WOO

Chambers, William, / A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture / 1825.
London : Priestly & Weale, 1825.
19th C. Coll. 729 CHA

Vicat, L.-J. / A practical and scientific treatise on calcareous mortars and cements : 1837.
London : J. Weale, 1837.
19th C. Coll. 620.135 VIC

Gibbons, David, / A treatise on the law of dilapidations and nuisances / 1838.
London : J. Weale, 1838.
19th C. Coll. 692.9 GIB

Nicholson, Peter, / Nicholson’s dictionary of the science and practice of architecture, building, carpentry, etc., etc., etc., : New ed. / / [1854]
London ; New York : The London Print. and Pub. Co., [1854]
19th C. Coll. 720.3 NIC

Dunn, Archibald M. / Notes & sketches of an architect : 1886.].
Newcastle-upon-Tyne : A. Reid, 1886.].
19th C. Coll. 720.94 DUN

Britton, John, / Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian architecture in England … / 1835.
London : M. A. Nattali, 1835.
19th C. Coll. 720.942 BRI

Elmes, James, / Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren : 1823.
London : Priestley and Weale, 1823.
19th C. Coll. 720.942 WRE

Wilkins, William, / Prolusiones architectonicæ, or, Essays on subjects connected with Grecian and Roman architecture / 1837.
London : J. Weale, 1837.
19th C. Coll. 722.6 WIL

Aldrich, Henry, / The elements of civil architecture, according to Vitruvius and other ancients, and the most approved practice of modern authors especially Palladio / 3rd ed. / 1824.
Oxford : Printed by W. Baxter, for J. Parker [etc.], 1824.
19th C. Coll. 722.7 ALD

Taylor, George Ledwell, / The architectural antiquities of Rome / 1821-22.
London : G.L. Taylor [etc.], 1821-22.
19th C. Coll. 722.7 CRE

Brandon, Raphael, / An analysis of Gothick architecture : 1847.
London : P. Richardson : sold also by the author, 1847.
19th C. Coll. 723.5 BRA

Brandon, Raphael, / An analysis of Gothick architecture : New ed. / 1849.
London : D. Bogue, 1849.
19th C. Coll. 723.5 BRA

Colling, James Kellaway. / Details of Gothic architecture / [1856]
London : J. Jobbins, [1856]
19th C. Coll. 723.5 COL

Colling, James Kellaway. / Details of Gothic architecture / [1856]
London : J. Jobbins, [1856]
19th C. Coll. 723.5 COL

Pugin, Augustus, / Examples of Gothic architecture : 1838-40.
London : Bohn, 1838-40.
19th C. Coll. 723.52 PUG

Pugin, Augustus, / Examples of Gothic architecture : 1838-40.
London : Bohn, 1838-40.
19th C. Coll. 723.52 PUG

Pugin, Augustus, / Specimens of Gothic architecture : [1821-1822].
London : Nattali, [1821-1822].
19th C. Coll. 723.52 PUG

Pugin, Augustus, / Specimens of Gothic architecture : [1821-1822].
London : Nattali, [1821-1822].
19th C. Coll. 723.52 PUG

Barry, Charles, / Illustrations of the new Palace of Westminster / 1849-
London : Warrington & Son [etc.], 1849-
19th C. Coll. 725.11 BAR

Sharpe, Edmund, / Architectural parallels, or, The progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England, through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : 1848.
London : J. Van Voorst, 1848.
19th C. Coll. 726 (42) SHA

Sharpe, Edmund, / Architectural parallels, or, The progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England, through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : 1848.
London : J. Van Voorst, 1848.
19th C. Coll. 726 (42) SHA

Knight, Henry Gally, / The ecclesiastical architecture of Italy : 1843.
London : H. Bohn, 1843.
19th C. Coll. 726(45) KNI

Knight, Henry Gally, / The ecclesiastical architecture of Italy : 1843.
London : H. Bohn, 1843.
19th C. Coll. 726(45) KNI

Bowman, Henry, / The churches of the Middle Ages : [1845].
London : Bell, [1845].
19th C. Coll. 726.5 BOW

Bowman, Henry, / The churches of the Middle Ages : [1845].
London : Bell, [1845].
19th C. Coll. 726.5 BOW

Britton, John, / The history and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Gloucester : 1829.
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1829.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 BRI

Britton, John, / The history and antiquities of Bath Abbey church : 1825.
London : Longman and Co., 1825.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 BRI

Britton, John, / The history and antiquities of the metropolitical church of Canterbury : 1821.
London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 BRI

Britton, John, / The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Hereford : 1831.
London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1831.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 BRI

Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls, / Plans, elevations, sections, details, and views, of the magnificent chapel of King Henry the Seventh : 1822-29.
London : Priestley and Weale, 1822-29.
19th C. Coll. 726.6 COT

Winkles, Benjamin. / Winkles’s Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales / 1836-42.
London : E. Wilson, 1836-42.
19th C. Coll. 726.60942 WIN

Richardson, C. J. / Studies from old English mansions : 1841-48.
[London] : T. McLean, 1841-48.
19th C. Coll. 728.8 RIC

Richardson, C. J. / Studies from old English mansions : 1841-48.
[London] : T. McLean, 1841-48.
19th C. Coll. 728.8 RIC

Richardson, C. J. / Studies from old English mansions : 1841-48.
[London] : T. McLean, 1841-48.
19th C. Coll. 728.8 RIC

Richardson, C. J. / Studies from old English mansions : 1841-48.
[London] : T. McLean, 1841-48.
19th C. Coll. 728.8 RIC

Chambers, William, / A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture / 1825.
London : Priestly & Weale, 1825.
19th C. Coll. 729 CHA

Vulliamy, Lewis, / Examples of ornamental sculpture in architecture : [1827]
London : Lewis Vulliamy and Henry Moses, [1827]
19th C. Coll. 729.5 VUL

Bury, T. T. / Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork / [1847]
London : J. Weale, [1847]
19th C. Coll. 729.9 BUR

Blondel, Jacques-François, / De la distribution des maisons de plaisance, et de la decoration des edifices en general / 1737-38.
Paris : Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1737-38.
Bradshaw 728 BLO

Blondel, Jacques-François, / De la distribution des maisons de plaisance, et de la decoration des edifices en general / 1737-38.
Paris : Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1737-38.
Bradshaw 728 BLO

Choisy, Auguste / L’Art de bâtir chez les Byzantines, 1883.
Paris, Société anonyme de publications périodiques, 1883.

Palladio, Andrea, / Andrea Palladio’s Architecture in four books : 1735.
London : Printed for B. Cole, 1735.

Pozzo, Andrea, / Rules and examples of perspective, proper for painters and architects, etc / 1707.
London : Printed by B. Motte, sold by J. Sturt, 1707.

Research Reserve

Royal Institute of British Architects. / The library catalogue : 1889.
London : Royal Institute of British Architects, 1889.
017 ROY

Husband, Joseph, / Structural engineering / 4th ed., rev. and enl. / 1931.
London ; New York : Longmans, Green, 1931.
624.17 HUS

Waldram, Percy J. / Structural design in steel frame buildings : [1924?]
London : Batsford, [1924?]
624.182 WAL

Hamilton, George Heard. / The art and architecture of Russia / [1954].
Baltimore : Penguin Books, [1954].
709 PEL(Ham)

Lancaster, Osbert, / Progress at Pelvis Bay / [1st. ed.] / [1936]
London : John Murray, [1936]
711.1 LAN

Purdom, C. B. / The building of satellite towns, 1925.
London, J.M. Dent & Sons, ltd., 1925.
711.58 PUR

Dutton, Ralph, / The English garden / 2d ed., rev. / 1950.
London, New York, : Batsford, 1950.
712 DUT

Weaver, Lawrence, / Memorials & monuments old and new : 1915.
London : Offices of “Country Life” [etc.]; New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1915.
718 WEA

Seroux d’Agincourt, J. B. L. G. / D’Agincourt’s history of architecture 187-?]
[S.l. : s.n., 187-?]
720 ARC

Robertson, Howard, / Modern architectural design / [Largely rev., newly illustrated and entirely reset] / 1952.
London : Architectural Press, 1952.
720.1 ROB

Middleton, G. A. T. / Modern buildings : 1906-1907.
London : Caxton Pub., 1906-1907.
720.2 MID

Middleton, G. A. T. / Modern buildings : 1906-1907.
London : Caxton Pub., 1906-1907.
720.2 MID

Middleton, G. A. T. / Modern buildings : 1906-1907.
London : Caxton Pub., 1906-1907.
720.2 MID

Middleton, G. A. T. / Modern buildings : 1906-1907.
London : Caxton Pub., 1906-1907.
720.2 MID

Middleton, G. A. T. / Modern buildings : 1906-1907.
London : Caxton Pub., 1906-1907.
720.2 MID

Nicholson, Peter, / The builder’s and workman’s new director : A new ed., rev. and much enl. / 1854.
London ; Edinburgh : Fullarton, 1854.
720.2 NIC

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel, / Lectures on architecture / 1877- 1881.
London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1877- 1881.
720.4 VIO

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel, / Lectures on architecture / 1877- 1881.
London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1877- 1881.
720.4 VIO

Triggs, Harry Inigo, / Some architectural works of Inigo Jones : 1901.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1901.
720.8 JON

Fergusson, James, / The illustrated handbook of architecture : 1855.
London : J. Murray, 1855.
720.9 FER

Fleming, John, / Robert Adam and his circle : 1962.
London : J. Murray, 1962.
720.92 ADA(Fle)

Swarbrick, John, / Robert Adam & his brothers : [1915]
London : B.T. Batsford, ltd., [1915]
720.92 ADA(Swa)

Jourdain, Margaret. / The work of William Kent, artist, painter, designer and landscape gardener / [1948].
London : Country Life ; New York : C. Scribner’s Sons, [1948].
720.92 KEN(Jou)

Summerson, John Newenham, / John Nash, architect to King George IV / 1935.
London : G. Allen & Unwin ltd., 1935.
720.92 NAS(Sum)

Wijdeveld, H. Th., / The life-work of the American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1925.
Santpoort, Holland, C.A. Mees, 1925.
720.92 WRI

Shaw, Richard Norman, / Architectural sketches from the continent / 1872.
London : Pub. for the proprietors, 1872.
720.94 SHA

Pakington, Humphrey, / English villages and hamlets / Fourth ed. / 1945.
London : Batsford, 1945.
720.942 PAK

Hitchcock, Henry Russell, / Early Victorian architecture in Britain / 1954.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1954.
720.942081 HIT

Townsend, William, / Canterbury / [1950].
London ; New York : Batsford, [1950].
720.94223 TOW

Smith, Reginald Anthony Lendon, / Bath / 2d ed., rev. / 1945.
London : B. T. Batsford, 1945.
720.94238 SMI

Hobhouse, Christopher, / Oxford as it was and as it is to-day / 4th ed. / 1948.
London ; New York : Batsford, 1948.
720.94257 HOB

Smith, G. E. Kidder / Italy builds : [1956?]
London : Architectural Press , [1956?]
720.945 SMI

Calvert, Albert Frederick, / Spain : 1924.
London, B.T. Batsford, 1924.
720.946 CAL

Ahlberg, Hakon, / Swedish architecture of the twentieth century / 1925.
London : E. Benn, ltd., 1925.
720.9485 AHL

Henry Hope & Sons, Ltd. / Hope’s makers of fine windows, 1818-1951 : 1951.
London : the Firm, 1951.
721.84 HOP

Onderdonk, Francis Skillman, / The ferro-concrete style : [c1928]
New York, Architectural book publishing co., inc. [c1928]
721.97 OND

Brandon, Raphael, / An analysis of Gothick architecture : New ed. / 1874.
London : Rimell & Son, 1874.
723.5 BRA

Harvey, John Hooper. / Gothic England : [1947].
London : Batsford, [1947].
723.5 HAR

Prior, Edward Schröder, / A history of Gothic art in England / 1900.
London : G. Bell and Sons, 1900.
723.52 PRI

Belcher, John, / Later renaissance architecture in England; : 1901.
London, : B.T. Batsford, 1901.
724.1(42) BEL

Garner, Thomas, / The domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period : 1911.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1911.
724.1(42) GAR

Garner, Thomas, / The domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period : 1911.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1911.
724.1(42) GAR

Garner, Thomas, / The domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period : 1911.
London : B.T. Batsford, 1911.
724.1(42) GAR

Blomfield, Reginald Theodore, / A short history of renaissance architecture in England, 1500-1800 / [1900].
London : G. Bell and sons, [1900].
724.12 BLO

Eastlake, Charles L. / A history of the Gothic revival : 1872.
London, : Longmans, Green, 1872.
724.3 EAS

Cheney, Sheldon, / The new world architecture, 1930.
London ; New York : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1930.
724.6 CHE

Whiffen, Marcus. / Stuart and Georgian churches : [1948]
London ; New York : B.T. Batsford, [1948]
726.5 WHI

Cook, G. H. / Portrait of Canterbury Cathedral / [1949].
London : Phoenix House, [1949].
726.6 COO

Cook, G. H. / Portrait of Lincoln Cathedral / 1950.
London : Phoenix House, 1950.
726.6 COO

Du Colombier, Pierre, / Les chantiers des cathédrales: 1953.
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726.6(44) DUC

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726.7 HOD

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727 CLA

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728(45) MAS

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729 PIC

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Store Mon 20500

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Store Mon 54802

Evans, Joan, / English art, 1307-1461 / 1949.
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Store Mon 54809

Gardner, Arthur. / A handbook of English medieval sculpture / 2d ed. / 1937.
New York : Macmillan, 1937.
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Store Mon 55906

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London ; New York : Batsford, 1951.
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Store Mon 65843

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London, H.M.S.O., 1944.
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Quennell, Marjorie / A history of everyday things in England / Various editions. / [1918-65].
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Store Mon 77887

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Store Mon 78259

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Store Mon 8373

Raynes, F. W. / Domestic sanitary engineering and plumbing : 3d ed. / 1928.
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Store Mon 9036

Darby, H. C. / An historical geography of England before A. D. 1800; 1936.
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Store Mon 93643

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Store Mon 96351

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Store Mon 96359

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Store Mon 96400

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Store Mon 96432

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Store Mon 96631

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Store Mon 96634

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Store Mon 96641

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Store Mon 96665

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Store Mon 98162

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720.94207 WHI