2023 Student Design Competition

Northumbria Architecture Society and Newcastle University Architecture Society

The second annual Student Design Competition was a fantastic day of architecture and celebration! This year, there were several representatives involved from the Northern Architectural Association, which supported the event. We were pleased to invite Oli Sturdy from MawsonKerr and the NAA, Ollie Currie from 33 Architecture and the NAA, Simon Baker from Group Ginger, and Andrew Thompson from FaulknerBrowns, as the judges.

The brief centered around ideas for community and charity. Teams were asked to pick one of the following local charities to be the focus of their designs: Newcastle Carers, Angelou Center, Dwellbeing, and The New Bridge Project. Proposals were to be based on a strong understanding of the concepts, values, and work of the chosen charity. Sites in Exhibition Park were selected, due to its popularity for many different activities and events, and teams were given a large area of the park to place their designs. Participants had one day to develop a design and display them on boards in the King’s Hall at Newcastle University’s campus, for the judges to review.

The exhibition in the evening was a great event to celebrate all the work completed in the day and announce who the judges had picked as the winners! They emphasised that none of the decisions were easy due to the quality of work submitted by all the teams, but in the end, the awards were presented to the following teams:

Overall winners – Timea Lewkot and Martyna Puchlowska (Northumbria).
Second place – Raazin Anwar Hussain, Oliver Higgins and Gaurav Dhoot (Newcastle).
Third place – Andrew Watson, Ellie Delaney and Ollie Walsh (Newcastle).
Best model – Kathryn Taylor, Lauren Deck and Laura Cartledge (Northumbria).
Best collage – Euan Ellis, Laura Sinclair-Banks and Campbell Carmichael (Newcastle).
and the society winner,
awarded by Adam Schell and Louis Gardener to Finn Carroll, Eka Bhatt and Chloe Bridger (Newcastle).

Thank you to all who participated and for making the second annual Student Design Competition such a big success!

Awards Announced

Winning Scheme

Timea Lewkot and Martyna Puchlowska

Best Model