Book 1 (1858 – 1885)
Front plate with minutes of the preliminary meeting at the Royal Exchange Hotel in 1858. Proposed name of the Association. AGM 1859 at the Royal Exchange Hotel, including:-
- The objects of the NAA
- Membership classes and subs
- Quarterly ordinary meetings
- List of officers
- Committees
- Accounts
- Minutes signed with original signatures by John Dobson and all others present.
- Note to say the JD address was read out by another on 19/04/1859
- A list of all meetings held with last entry dated 08/01/1885
Book 2 (1885 – 1903)
Quarterly Meetings 15/01/1885 to 1903 (with some omissions) including:-
- List of excursions, sketching visits and annual excursion to Castle Howard
- Various accounts.
- Annual reports of the 36th (1895) and 37th (1896) sessions with elections
- 11/03/1896 of Dunn, Rich, Cackett, Plumber and an Honorary RIBA Librarian.
- 1897 excursion with the last session held 02/03/1898 in the “Art Gallery”.
- Mention of Hicks design for the badge and chain. Re-drawn by the Goldsmiths Company
- Library Report: List of books.
- List of members (113 including students)
- List of Presidents 1859 to 1903
Book 3 (1898 – 1909)
- Constitution and rules
- 1898 AGM held in the “Art Gallery”
- Student competition
- Printed annual reports 1898-1900
- Reference to NAA allied to RIBA 1897
- 1899 membership 153 including students
- Reference to Architects Benevolent Fund
- Glover Prize of 1 guinea: copy of award
- Book catalogue
- RIBA Prize drawings
- 1901- 1903 annual reports
- 1903 printers plates of the logo
- Building Committee
- 18/10/1905 RIBA Presidents letter to Cackett
- Glover Fund Essay Competition
- 13/10/1905 river trip to Tynemouth, return by tram and train.
- Membership of 233 in 1905
- Photograph of chain in report
- 48th session formation of Practice Committee
- Last entry in book 24/03/1909
Photographs of members visits
- 1892-1893 Selby
- 1894 Durham
- 1895 Byland Abbey
- 1896 Chollerford
- 1899 Belsay
- 1900 Jervaulx
- 1902 Cragside
- 1911 Wynyard Park
Portraits of Past Presidents
John Dobson 1858-65 (died aged75) Oliver, Robson, Johnstone, Wilson, Cackett, Dunn, Pritchett, Oswald, Plummer, Taylor, Cackett, Brown. Charlewood, Errington, Burns Dick, Newcombe, Glover and Green.
File A
1908 “The Ancient Buildings of Newcastle upon Tyne.” 1954-1955 Library catalogue and Year Book of the 95th session 1967-1966 Election of Council 1958 “The Architect and Building News” – Newcastle RIBA Conference 1990/1995-96 NAA prospectus and programme 1903 Indenture William Glover to NAA 1940 Will – Glover Reference to proposed Northern Architecture Centre 1984 Higham Place Trust refurbishment appeal
File B
1940 Declaration of Trust – Robert Burns Dick Various correspondence- Charity Commission 1965-66 and ’70 1968 – Rules 1970 Resolution
Box 1
1970’s correspondence – Hon Secretary Alan Moody 1980’s correspondence – NAA/Riba/ Higham Place Trust Proposed changes to Rules 1980’s Hay’s Management Report 1987 John Dobson Festival (with image) 1984 Higham Place refurbishment 1989 Call to revive NAA: meeting of RIBA members at the Playhouse 1990 NAA revival with a presentation to NAA Council RIBA Newsletter
Box 2
1960’s meeting minutes Reference to the Glover Trust Scholarship Agreement to publish “Modern Architecture of NE England” Tyneside Branch of Riba Membership of NAA 1960’s Council Allied Societies of Riba 1969 NAA Council meeting 1770 Regionalisation
Box 3
1950’s – 70’s chequebook stubs Subscriptions and receipts Council and committee minutes Tanker – Hon Treasurer (copies of Tasker Kennedy correspondence) 1960’s Returns to RIBA noting new buildings completed 1996 NAA Rules Statutory authority invoices Copies of distribution lists Balance sheets Tasker and Kennedy commissions
Box 4
1965-1970 minute books Lease agreement for HighM Place Copies of Death Certificates Various accounts 1958 John Dobson Exhibition ( no description of content) General correspondence – 1960’s
Box 5
Charity Commission NAA registration: Charity accounts 1975-’76 correspondence NAA Members Club – constitution and rules 1970 Hon Secretary’s letter re- “cold storage” 1972 Regionalisation minutes 1977 Higham Place tenancies 1970’s property matters 1976 Heads of Terms Charity commission and regionalisation 1975-’76 general correspondence RIBA insurances (note reference to insurance and valuation of chain and jewel agreement every 5 years) this needs investigation
Box 6
Council Minutes October 1951 to June 1965 Reference to 1958 Conference exhibition Correspondence 1990-91 1990-91 Minutes and Rules History of Dryden Road Hospital Gateshead Various references/letters to fundraising and debt issues (£32,000) Council Mins October 1991 to June ’92 May 1992 Charity Commission comments re Higham Place Higham Place lease October 1992 Glover Trust Student Scholarship re-established Glover Trust Lecture Higham Place Trust liquidation issues
Box 7
Sale of 6 Higham Place 1993 Accounts 1996 NAA Summer School for the visually impaired Lucinda Lambton Lecture in honour of Peter Caller 1993 minutes – rule changes – correspondence Architecture Centre Events programme and members subscriptions 1995 proposed options for the future of 6 Higham Place 1995 AGM 1996 Minutes
Box 8
1992 Bank statements 1991-92 NAA Council 1972-92 paying in books 1976-92 Cheque Books 1982-84/2000/01/02 Bank Statements 1982-84 RIBA/NAA Joint House Committee 1994 election Cyril Winskell, Hentie Louw and Alan Greenall as new trustees Wise Speke investment portfolio 2006 Accounts Appointment of Paulin e Caller as an honorary member of NAA 1992-93 Membership list 1990-93 minutes 1978-86 general file,minutes and purchase invoices
Box 9
1960-1970 Balance sheets 1970 Balance sheets 1972-79 Premises Trust accounts 1975-78 Premises Trust correspondence 1966 Rules 1993-95 lease agreement Regional Secretary’s Fund 2003/04 Accounts 1991 members and subscriptions 1991/92 NAA programme of events 1999-2006 Investments file 1978-81 RIBA House Committee file Plans of 6 Higham Place: undated/1932/36. Building Regs Approval
Reference to purchase of 6 Higham Place.
Cash Book 1899-1915
Deeds of 6 Higham Place (formerly JD’s house) deposited in Barclays History of purchase for £1,000 in 1905
NAA Library Books catalogue General index
1962-1964 experience of completed buildings, by type and cost. 100 categories in Cumberland, Teesside and Central Branches
Lever arch file contents:-
Printers plates of NAA logo 10/03/1910 an Agreement with the National Telephone Co.
1905-06 donations receipts and letters to donors Purchase of 6 Higham Place Land Registry search and Planning issues 27/01/1905 purchase costs £1.000 plus £300 after sale costs.
1913 correspondence between Milburn and Errington to Sunderland Education Committee re- the proposed Training College and the Borough Surveyor.
Black book of members names and addresses (no date)
1907-1917 Cash book
Annual Reports: 1877-1965 (some gaps)
Letter signed by Taylor, J Keppie(Scotland) and other members objecting to the Borough Surveyors designs (undated)
Two logo plates ( no 190)
1906 Inaugural address by Cackett (printed in 1907 Architects Journal)
Loans – NAA Trustees *1991 RIBA insurance of NAA Chain and Jewel on loan to RIBA- value £15,998 to be re-valued every 5 years by Newcastle jeweller.
1989 Rules
1986 Lease document
1991 discussions in Council on future of Higham Place.
Reinstatement of Glover Studentships.
Fund Raising Group Report to Council
Copy of fundraising appeal letter 1991
Visit to Charity Commission to seek approval of transaction to purchase. Lease of Higham Place from Higham Place Trust.
1991 Repayment of debt by NAA in the sum of £32,000
1991 Action taken to transfer £32,000 to HPT with overdraft transfer
NAA 1990/ 91 There is a considerable dialogue regarding the failure of HPT. Criticism and queries about dissatisfaction with HPT Trustees with long drawn out arguments. Could be relevant in the history of NAA. NAA history notes 1858-1897 (with some omissions) taken from yearbooks.