Douglas W Dickenson Collection

Box 1

NAA Minutes 1932-1939 and 1959-1969 (incomplete)

Pink file: minutes  1935-1938 and 1959-1962

From 09/03/1932-1935

Grey file: Council meetings 1963-1969

Box 2

NAA /RIBA correspondence1969-1970


RIBA Northern Region minutes and correspondence 1980-1984

Manilla envelope: NAA/ RIBA correspondence re proposed Licentiate Class

6no pen and ink sketches (artists unknown)

1911 copy of the Institutes Parliamentary Bill re Licentiate Class

Various applications for LRIBA

Box 3

Copy of a “Candidate’s Statement”

Applicant Name: Charles D James DOB 1876

1891: Professional Education with a list of buildings on which engaged

Copy of Proposer’s Statement

Manilla envelope 2 RIBA minutes 1980-1984

Manilla envelope 3 NAA policy and finance committees 1969-1970


1932-38 NAA mins

1959-70 ditto

1932-35 mins (pink file)

1932-33 lecture programme

1933 Glover Travel Prize £25 guineas (for drawings and sketches) for students under 28 years.

NAA Scholarship award of £25

1933-34 Elections to Council (here is reference to Faulkner Brown’s library material)


1895, ’84, ’94, ’95 Constitution and Rules

Publication of NAA “Architecture and You” (undated)

1979 RIBA National Conference Fund

Various books

1900-1960 “Design” editor Tom Faulkner

Miscellaneous correspondence

Letter to Tynemouth Improvement Committee re- “Govie Work”

Press cuttings


Septum us Oswald photograph

NAA Supper Club

1927-58 Annual Dinner with table plans and names (incomplete)

1927 Conference and presentation of Royal Gold Medal; names of attendees.

1925 Conference in Newcastle; Civic Reception in the Banqueting Hall, Jesmond

Banquet Menu

Leather bound book contains signatures of all present at the Royal Exchange Hotel on 13/11/ 1858

Signed copy of Constitution and Rules dated 04/01/1859

Further signatures to 1908?

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